Thursday 3 September 2015

August moths

Lots of moths this month; 104 species! I travelled around a bit and so I’ve separated the list in terms of location. I spent a week on Bardsey and went through a moth trap or two every day which has really boosted my still ropey Moth ID skills! The Convolvulus Hawkmoth was especially exciting as she was a resident of North Africa and was blown to North Wales by strong winds!

Ceiriog Valley

Angle Barred Pug - Eupithecia innotata (f. unicolor)
Antler moth - Cerapteryx graminis
August Thorn - Ennomos quercinaria
Brimstone - Opisthograptis luteolata
Barred Red - Hylaea fasciaria
Black Arches - Lymantria monacha
Buff Footman - Eilema depressa
Buff tip - Phalera bucephala
Burnished Brass - Diachrysia chrysitis (f. juncta and f. aurea)
Clouded Border - Lomaspilis marginata
Common Footman - Eilema lurideola
Common Rustic - Mesapamea secalis
Copper Underwing - Amphipyra pyramidea
Dark Arches - Apamea monoglypha
Dark Marbeled Carpet - Chloroclysta citrata citrata
Dingy Footman - Eilema griseola
Double Square Spot -  Xestia triangulum
Dun-bar - Cosmia trapezina
Dusky Thorn -  Ennomos fuscantaria
Engrailed - Ectropis bistortata
Foxglove Pug - Eupithecia pulchellata pulchellata
Flame Shoulder - Ochropleura plecta
Flame Carpet - Xanthorhoe designata
Flounced Rustic - Luperina testacea
Gold Spangle - Autographa bractea
Grass Emerald -  Pseudoterpna pruinata atropunctaria
Grey Pug - Eupithecia subfuscata
Heart and Dart  - Agrotis exclamationis
July Highflyer - Hydriomena furcata
Large Yellow Underwing -  Noctua pronuba
Least Yellow Underwing - Noctua interjecta caliginosa
Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing - Noctua janthe
Lesser Swallow prominent - Pheosia gnoma
Lesser Yellow Underwing - Noctua comes
Magpie - Abraxas grossulariata
Marbeled minor - Oligia strigilis
Plain Golden Y - Autographa jota
Plain Wave - Idaea straminata
Ribaned Wave - Idaea avesata
Rosy Rustic - Hydraecia micacea
Scalloped Oak - Crocalis elinguaria
Scarce Footman - Eilema griseloa
Shaded Broad Bar - Scotopteryx chenopodiata
Silver Y - Autographa gamma
Shuttle Shaped Dart - Agrotis puta puta
Small Dotted Buff - Photeded minima
Small Square Spot - Diarsia rubi
Square Spot Rustic - Xestia xanthographa
Straw Dot - Rivula sericealis
Svensson’s Copper Underwing - Amphipyra berbera svenssoni
Tawny Speckled Pug - Eupithecia icterata subfulvata
Thyme Pug - Eupithecia distinctaria constrictata
True Lover’s knot -  Lycophotia porphyria
Triple Spotted Clay - Xestia ditrapezium
Willow Beauty - Peribatodes rhomboidaria
Yellow Tail - Euproctis similis

Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing
True Lover's Knot
Black Arches
Common Footman

Shaded Broad Bar
Least Yellow Underwing
Dusky Thorn

Agriphila straminella
Agriphila tristella
Bird Cherry Ermine -  Yponomeuta evonymella
Chequered Fruit Tree Tortrix - Pandema corylana
Dark Fruit Tree Tortrix - Pandemis heparana
Gold Triangle - Hypsopygia costalis
Mother of Pearl - Pleuroptya ruralis
Spindle Ermine - Yponomeuta cagnagella

Somerset only
Autumnal Rustic - Eugnorisma glareosa
Blood Vein - Timandra comae
Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing - Noctua fimbriata
Brussels Lace - Cleorodes lichenaria
Buff Ermine - Spilosoma lubricipeda
Cabbage Moth - Mamestra brassicae
Coxcomb Prominent - Ptilodon capucina
Dark Sword Grass - Agrotis ipsilon
Ingrailed Clay - Diarsia mendica mendica
Light Feathered Rustic - Agrotis cinerea
Lime Speck Pug - Eupithecia centaureata
Oak Eggar - Lasiocampa quercus
Orange Swift - Hepialus hecta
Pebble Hook-tip - Drepana falcataria falcataria
Pebble Prominent - Notodonta ziczac
Purple Bar - Cosmorhoe ocellata
Rosy Footman - Miltochrista miniata
Ruby Tiger - Phragmatobia fuliginosa fuliginosa
Rustic - Hoplodrina blanda
Straw Underwing - Thalpophila matura
Yellow Shell - Camptogramma bilineata bilineata
Pebble Hook-tip
Blood Vein
Pebble Prominent
Brussels Lace
Oak Eggar
Oak Eggar Face
Male (R)  and Female (L) Oak Eggars 

Garden Pebble - Evergestis forficalis
Pammene aurita
Pyrausta purpuralis
Small Magpie - Eurrhypara hortulata
Pyrausta purparalis

Abernethy only
Barred Straw - Euliithis pyraliata
Common Wainscot - Mythimna pallens
Green Carpet - Colostygia pectinataria
Juniper Pug - Eupithecia pusillata pusillata
Neglected Rustic - Xestia baja
Northern Spinach - Eulithis pupulata
Plain Pug - Eupithecia simpliciata
Twin Spot Carpet - Perizoma didymata didymata (Wigtownshire and Ross Shire specimens)
Welsh Wave - Venusia cambrica
Barred Chestnut
Northern Spinach

Acleris laterana
Scoparia ancipitella

Bardsey only
Convolvulus Hawkmoth - Agrius convovuli
Drinker - Euthrix potatoria
Garden Tiger - Arctia caja
Swallow-tailed Moth - Ourapteryx sambucaria
Drinker Moth
Convolvulus Hawkmoth

Convolvulus Hawkmoth
Northern Eggar
Swallow Tailed Moth

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