Friday 31 July 2015

July Moths

Trapped throughout this month, mostly in my garden in Bronygarth but also at a farm above Llwynmawr. The farm is surrounded by woodland and so an entirely different habitat is available leading to some interesting species! My first Poplar Hawk moth was exciting as was the beautiful iridescence of the Burnished Brass.

  • Barred Straw - Eulithus pyralitata
  • Buff Arches - Habrosyne pyratoides
  • Buff Ermine - Spilosoma lubricipeda
  • Burnished Brass - Diachrysia chrysitis
  • Bright Line Brown Eye - Lacanobia oleracea
  • Brimstone Moth - Opisthograptis luteolata
  • Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing - Noctua fimbriata
  • Broken Barred Carpet - Electrophaes corylata
  • Common Footman - Eilema lurideola
  • Common Wainscot - Mythimna pallens
  • Common White Wave - Cabera pusaria
  • Coxcomb Prominent - Ptilodon capucina
  • Dark Arches - Apamea monoglypha
  • Double Square Spot - Xestia triangulum
  • Dotted Clay - Xestia baja
  • Flame - Axylia putris
  • Flame Shoulder - Ochropleura plectra
  • Ghost Moth - Hepialus humili
  • Green Arches - Anapletoides prasina
  • Green Carpet - Colostygia pectinataria
  • Heart and Dart - Agrotis exclamationis
  • Herald - Scoliopterix libatix
  • Large Yellow Underwing - Noctua pronuba
  • Lesser Yellow Underwing - Noctua comes
  • Magpie - Abraxas grossulariata
  • Mallow - Laurentia clavaria
  • Map Winged Swift - Korscheltellus fusconebulosa
  • Peppered Moth - Biston betularia
  • Poplar Hawk Moth - Laothoe populi
  • Ribaned Wave - Idaea aversata
  • Ruby Tiger - Phragmatobia fuliginosa borealis
  • Rustic - Hoplodrina blanda
  • Scalloped Oak - Crocallis elinguaria
  • Shoulder Striped Wainscot - Leucania comma
  • Snout - Hypena proboscidalis
  • Tawny Marbeled Minor - Oligia latruncula
  • Triple Spotted Clay - Xestia ditrapezium 
  • Turnip Moth - Agrotis segetum
  • Uncertain - Hoplodrina alsines
  • Small Magpie - Arania hortulata
A Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing's face
Triple Spotted Clay
Buff Arches
Buff Arches' face
Burnished Brass f. juncta
Burnished Brass' face
Poplar Hawk Moth
Poplar Hawk Moth's face

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